A transitional two story design with a style all its own, the Fallston is one home that is sure to be admired. Some of its many amenities are listed: - All three bedrooms located upstairs
- Interesting roof line connects with spacious front porch
- Separate dining room perfect for special occasions
- Spacious living room for relaxing and easy living
- A half bath serves the lower level
Many elements inside and out are superbly blended to produce a home with plenty of character.
The minimum order for plans is for 4 sets. To order a plan, select its options above, and then select the "Add to Cart" button at the end of the list of options. (Additional charges appear next to certain options.) If you order reproducible plans, you will receive 1 set only. If you order a Package Set, it is not necessary to order Heat/Air Layouts, Materials Lists, or Plumbing Schematics because these options are included in Package Sets.